Cleaning instructions for your aged brass

Your plumbing fixtures have clear coating on them to keep them for aging any more than what they have when they were shipped to you. To keep the coating protected we recommend cleaning them only with any bleach spray and warm water. We do not recommend any abrasive cleaners or shower cleaners as they have harsh chemicals that can remove the clear protective coating.

If you have any concerns or questions you can always call us here at 518-655-0126

Cleaning instructions for your sink

Our sinks have a urethane sealer on them and should last 8 to 10 years. You can clean your sink with any bathroom cleaner as long as it does not say cleaning showers or tile cleaners. These cleaners have harsh chemicals that can damage or discolor the sealer. You can use an abrasive cleaner such as Softscrub or Comet to clean our sinks.

If you have any concerns or questions you can always call us here at 518-655-0126